Aktuelle Forschung: Die Verbindung zwischen gesundem Verhalten, Schlaf und geistiger Gesundheit

Dezember 6th, 2021

Von der Geburt bis zum frühen Erwachsenenalter spielen zahlreiche Faktoren eine Rolle für die geistige Gesundheit – viele davon liegen außerhalb unserer Kontrolle. Die Forschung zeigt, dass gesunde Verhaltensweisen, die größtenteils in unserer Hand liegen,


Aktuelle Forschung: Lebhaftere Träume als Folge der COVID-19-Pandemie? Das ist der Grund

Dezember 6th, 2021

Träume werden meist als eine Reihe von Bildern, Gefühlen und Emotionen beschrieben und treten hauptsächlich während der REM-Phase des Schlafs auf. Der Inhalt unserer Träume kann sich maßgeblich auf unseren Tag auswirken. Wie unser Tag


Die neusten Erkenntnisse aus der Schlafforschung: Wie wirkt sich Koffein auf den Schlaf aus?

Dezember 6th, 2021

Koffein ist das beliebteste Stimulans der Welt, vor allem wegen seiner energiesteigernden und schläfrigkeitsbekämpfenden Wirkung. Allerdings kann Koffein den Schlaf beeinträchtigen, vor allem wenn es am späten Nachmittag und am Abend konsumiert wird. Dennoch trinken


Die neuesten Erkenntnisse aus der Schlafforschung: Raubt dir dein Smartphone den Schlaf?

Dezember 6th, 2021

Plötzlicher Lärm, unbequeme Bettwäsche, ein zu warmes Schlafzimmer – all das sind Beispiele für Faktoren, die den Schlaf stören können. Mittlerweile ist es auch üblich, mobile Geräte nicht nur tagsüber, sondern auch bis in die


Die neusten Erkenntnisse aus der Schlafforschung: Langschläfer und Frühaufsteher während COVID-19

Dezember 6th, 2021

Die COVID-Regeln zum Zuhausebleiben bieten den Forschern eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, Veränderungen der Schlafgewohnheiten mit weniger äußeren Einschränkungen zu untersuchen. In einer kürzlich durchgeführten Studie wurde untersucht, wie sich die Veränderungen, die durch die Selbstisolation hervorgerufen werden, mit den bevorzugten Schlafgewohnheiten der Menschen decken.   Studie: 


Schlafende Frau 4

Über REM-Schlaf: Seine Merkmale

November 2nd, 2021

REM-Schlaf (vom Englischen „Rapid Eye Movement“, schnelle Bewegung der Augen) ist die dritte Phase des Schlafzyklus. Er ist durch kleine, unterschiedlich schnelle Gehirnwellen, schnelle Augenbewegungen, eine erhöhte Herzfrequenz und Muskellähmung gekennzeichnet. Wenn dein Körper in der Nacht zum ersten Mal in diese Phase eintritt,



The Relationship Between Sleep and Nutrition

August 3rd, 2021

Diet, like sleep, is one of the pillars of health and wellness. And they’re directly intertwined. Although a proper, balanced diet is essential for optimal health, poor sleep over time can undo many of the



The Surprising Way Sleep Helps Cleanse the Brain

Juni 18th, 2021

Why do we sleep? Scientists have long wondered why humans spend approximately a third of their lives asleep – over 25 years for the average American. It’s especially curious from an evolutionary perspective. While sleeping, we’re not feeding or foraging,


Should Sleep Education Be Part of School Curriculum?

Januar 26th, 2021

How many hours in your life do you think you’ve spent sleeping? How many hours in your life do you think you’ve spent learning about sleep? Even though sleep is a major part of our


The Secret to a Happy Summer Holiday: Create a Plan to Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep

Juli 3rd, 2024

There’s a reason you’re seeing more stories about the ways holiday stress impacts your health.  As the summer holiday season approaches, it’s essential to address the stress that often comes with planning and celebrating. From


Why does it feel like you are falling as you to sleep?

Juni 14th, 2024

What is a hypnic jerk? Have you ever had that dream where you feel like you’re falling from the sky and then you jolt in bed as you get closer to the ground? Turns out


Therabody SmartGoggles

Therabody SmartGoggles: Enhancing Sleep Quality Through Science

Mai 15th, 2024

At SleepScore Labs, we are committed to conducting rigorous validation studies to evaluate the effectiveness of products in improving sleep quality. In a recent study, we partnered with Therabody to measure the impact of their


National Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month 2024: Understanding the Impact of Stress on Sleep Quality

April 29th, 2024

As Stress Awareness Month 2024 comes to an end, SleepScore Labs is diving into the profound relationship between stress levels and sleep quality. Our latest analysis, drawing from a robust dataset of over 42,000 individuals


Concert lights in purple similar to what one might see at a concert or music festival

Can going to a music festival actually improve your sleep?

April 24th, 2024

Ok, maybe music festivals are not the best place to catch some zzz’s; for most people, the idea of using music as a sleep aid may be strange and even counterproductive. After all, music is


How To Sleep Better When You Travel: Pack a Sleep Kit!

Dezember 14th, 2023

If you’re among the over 100 million people traveling this holiday break, you know that holiday travel brings more time for fun visits with friends and family. But travel also brings challenges when it comes


People giving gifts while sitting in front of a Christmas Tree

Holiday Gift Guide 2023: Give the Gift of Healthy Sleep

November 21st, 2023

The unique gifts in our 2023 holiday gift guide deliver a lifetime of healthy sleep habits, helping the people you care about get the benefits of restful sleep. Each item is validated by SleepScore Labs,


Group eating a holiday meal at the table

The Secret to a Happy Holiday: Create a Plan to Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep

November 17th, 2023

There’s a reason you’re seeing more stories about the ways holiday stress impacts your health.  While stress about COVID-19 has decreased this holiday season, the perennial stress factors are still in play. What tops the


Sleepys Pillow Inserts

The Science of Scent and Sleep: Introducing Sleepy’s Scented Pillow Insert

Oktober 24th, 2023

In the quest for a good night’s sleep, many have turned to various solutions, but what if another option for a restful night’s sleep was right under your nose? Enter Sleepy’s Scented Pillow Insert, a


Person standing on a scale

TGIF…Maybe Not For Your Sleep? The Link Between Social Jetlag and Rising BMI: Unveiling Insights from SleepScore’s Sleep Measurement App

Oktober 5th, 2023

In recent times, the hustle and bustle of modern life have led to a phenomenon known as social jetlag. This occurs when there’s a mismatch between our body’s internal clock and the social clock, often


Spring winter change in a landscape with tree

How Seasons Affect Our Sleep: Unveiling the Sleep Patterns of Americans

September 29th, 2023

Ah, the change of seasons! As days get shorter during winter and longer during summer, have you ever wondered how these seasonal shifts influence our sleep patterns? With the rise of sleep tech gadgets, we


sleep hygiene sleep quality

How Sleep Habits Impact Your Sleep Quality: Insights from Sleep Tech Data

September 19th, 2023

Getting a good night’s sleep is a priority for many, but are you practicing the right sleep habits to ensure a restful slumber? Many of us might have heard about „sleep hygiene“, a set of